Hmmm... Mayor Rahm Emanuel is pandering to the blacks like no other mayor.... Emanuel has spent millions of taxpayers' dollars in spinning a new image of the Chicago Police Dept. to win over the blacks.... Emanuel has millions of taxpayer's dollars in black public relations.... And so how with all this taxpayers' money being spent & expensive new black police consultants they allow this to happen!

PHOTO: Chicago Tribune Photo in regards to expanded police coverage for the 4th of the July weekend.

Why the fuck would Rahm Emanuel and all his asshole "consultants" allow this photo to happen? A bunch of WHITE POLICE OFFICERS armed with MILITARY ASSAULT RIFLES wearing Blues Brothers type sunglasses and being lead by a WHITE SUPERVISOR to combat black violence over the 4th of July 2016 weekend?

Does this really help the cause? Or cause more resentment and excuses for lawlessness by the Chicago Negroes?

If I was Mayor Rahm Emanuel.... HEADS WOULD ROLL FOR THIS!
Hmmm... Mayor Rahm Emanuel is pandering to the blacks like no other mayor.... Emanuel has spent millions of taxpayers' dollars in spinning a new image of the Chicago Police Dept. to win over the blacks.... Emanuel has millions of taxpayer's dollars in black public relations.... And so how with all this taxpayers' money being spent & expensive new black police consultants they allow this to happen! Hmmm... Mayor Rahm Emanuel is pandering to the blacks like no other mayor.... Emanuel has spent millions of taxpayers' dollars in spinning a new image of the Chicago Police Dept. to win over the blacks.... Emanuel has millions of taxpayer's dollars in black public relations.... And so how with all this taxpayers' money being spent & expensive new black police consultants they allow this to happen! Reviewed by Cakrawala News on 9:23 PM Rating: 5

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