American Catholic History: A Media Round-up

 Pete Cajka

American Catholic historians have been active out in the field as of late, doing interviews, panels, and lectures. We have an embarrassment of riches! Thankfully the material is available online. Here are a few recent endeavors. This media round-up includes Robert Orsi, Daniel Williams, Timothy Matovina, Eugene McCarraher, Kristy Naban-Warren, Leslie Woodcock Tentler, Samuel Moyn, John McGreevy, and Thomas Sugrue. American Catholic historians (and American Catholic history) have appeared at the John C. Danforth Center on American Politics at the Washington University in St. Louis, Religion and Politics, the Cushwa Center at Notre Dame, the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, and the Journal of American History podcast. Our thanks go out to all these institutions and publications.

History and Presence - podcast

Ed Linenthal recently interviewed Bob Orsi over at The Journal of American History podcast about Orsi's new book, History and Presence.

"American Catholicism, American Politics Reconsidered" -- panel

Timothy Matovina (University of Notre Dame), Eugene McCarraher (Villanova University), Kristy Nabhan-Warren (University of Iowa), and Leslie Woodcock Tentler (The Catholic University of America) participated in a panel called "American Catholicism, American Politics Reconsidered" over at the John C. Danforth Center on Religion in American Politics back in March. The event took place at Washington University St. Louis.

Click here to watch the panel (and the Q&A)

"Beyond the Catholic Ghetto: Integrating Catholicism and Modern American History"
-- lecture

Thomas J. Sugrue delivered the Cushwa Center's annual lecture, "Beyond the Catholic Ghetto: Integrating Catholicism and Modern American History." The event took place on April 28 at Notre Dame.

Click here to watch the lecture

"Christian Human Rights"  -- lecture

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study and the Toqueville Program for Inquiry into Religion and Public Life hosted a lecture by historian Sam Moyn on his book Christian Human Rights.  John T. McGreevy and Paolo G. Carozza provided comments.

Click here to watch the lecture

"When Being Pro-Life Did Not Mean Being Conservative" -- interview

Eric Miller interviewed Daniel Williams at Religion and Politics about Williams' new book, Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement before Roe v. Wade.

American Catholic History: A Media Round-up American Catholic History: A Media Round-up Reviewed by Cakrawala News on 5:26 PM Rating: 5

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