Sterilite clear plastic totes
Small useful things (links):
- I am so happy to see that Materia is still writing on its blog All Things Metathesis; good post on tandem ruthenium catalysis by Philip Wheeler.
- The latest from The Collapsed Wavefunction podcast on cholecalciferol.
- A couple of nice profiles at the ACS Network:
- Phillip Hustad, Dow Electronics senior scientist
- Margaret Chu-Moyer, Amgen executive director
- John is back to posting regularly at It's the Rheo Thing - good stuff.
- Good post about glyphosate by Kat Day.
- Loved this letter by Hans Bethe about America, courtesy of Ash.
- The latest from the Baran group.
- Th'Gaussling asks "how shall we train chemists to handle chemicals?"
Sterilite clear plastic totes
Reviewed by Cakrawala News
8:48 AM
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